Wednesday, March 08, 2000 – off the road

I finished Kerouac’s On The Road on my way to work on the bus. WOW! I guess it was an appropriate way to end the book . . . while rolling along the endless pavement that is America. What a journey! So now, as per Lazy Bear’s request I have to pick up Dharma Bums and see what that has to offer. LB put a lot of energy into making me promise to read that book immediately after On The Road. We’ll have to see when and where I can get it.

Oh was I ever foggy this morning. I kept thinking the headache and sick feeling would kick in any moment. But several hours and quarts of water later, I feel fine.

I was walking over to the grocery store for lunch and out on the street, near the building where I work was a car parked with a middle-aged gentleman with a headset on. Seemed like he was listening in on something. Kind of odd. He was still there when I came back by twenty minutes later. I wonder who was being watched? I seriously doubt it was anything relating to where I work, there just isn’t enough of a stake in it. Nonetheless, it’s rather unsettling to see such things. I’m probably just jumping to conclusions. Or?

Wednesday means it’s Cork N Bottle night at Steve’s Bar. I guess I had better get going.

OK, it’s definitely Spring. Met up with Jacob, and his wonderful friends Cindy and Steve. Oh-so-wonderful conversation about black and white photography with Cindy as well as Montana and the ‘yee-haw’ being a way of signifying a bluegrass musician of your respect for them. It was just GREAT hearing her ‘yee-haw’!

I’m beginning to see Steve’s Bar as a place that is not so much spatial as it is a consciousness. It’s weird because it’s so unlike the typical bar scene. People are so nice and mellow and respectful.

As sort of a gesture to bring a few more smiles to the locale, I brought some chocolate chip cookies. Beer and chocolate!!! People get a little weirded out at first when you give away edibles. I guess I can’t blame them. I wore one of my screen printed Bucky Badger shirts which drew some compliments. It’s fun when one of your creations gets noticed on some level. Cinnamon asked me right off if I had brought in that picture I took of her, Kay, and Linda a couple weeks ago. As it turns out she’s in the school of nursing and is heading towards mid-wifery, which I think is excellent. Makes so much sense to give the birthing process back to the mother. Wellness is one of my favorite topics.

Elle, Ben, Brian, and Andy were there. Haven’t seen them at Steve’s forever. Elle told me she’s normally at T’ai-Chi, which is true. It was good to hear she was still attending classes.

Had a string of minor debates with Shaggy about whether Mardis Gras is misogynistic. My arguement being that (conscious) women are actually in power in such situations. I think it is time people stop thinking women are weak and victims by nature. I think that mentality is ultimately misogynistic because it degrades women into people who have no ability to look after themselves. I think it’s the remnants of a paternalistic paradigm which keep this notion alive. Or have I been misinterpreting Camille Paglia all these years?

I sort of mentioned this to Jennie and Tara. Sort of to get it off my chest that I felt Mardis Gras was at least no more misogynistic than Bluegrass. I mean, do I have to reach very far to find Bluegrass lyrics that could be interpreted as degrading of women? For example:

“Pretty flowers were made for bloomin’.
Pretty stars were made to shine.
Pretty girls were made for lovin’.
Lil Maggie was meant to be mine.”

Personally I think it’s always a matter of context.

All in all Cork N Bottle played a terrific gig. I noticed a lot of songs I haven’t heard in a while.

Took off for home shortly after the music ended. Liz had called to see if I was going to see John Chimes Band. I felt like sticking around home, saving up on energy and cash.

Post Modern allegorical writing,
I make the words,
You enjoy the lighting.

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